Peer Reviews

A necessary part of building a culture of bullet proof software is having our work scrutized by peers before letting hit the general public or users.

A Peer Review is the process of one or more peers knowledgable about your code who can examine and scrutinize every line. This is a painful process, but so necessary.

Peer Reviews Are Painful but Worth IT!

For the programmer, that means having your work criticized by other people. Maybe even people that think they are smarter than you, but are not.

Reviewers, typically don’t like (or at least don’t love) reviewing other peoples code. It is a lot of extra work. It’s hard and takes time.

Even worse, it involves human emotion and opinions that we have to work through, yuck.!.

To feed the flames, tech people are notorious for being downright rude and abrupt. No room for sensitivity, just straight to facts and opinions.

We have to learn to listen, respect and speak up for this to work. There is no other way. I won’t bring this up again, however:

superior human interaction is required for superior results.

Projects that treat each other kindly and keep the best outcome with the project as topic of debate, we will end up with successful results and people that like each other.

Peer Reviews and Pull Requests

Good ‘ol github comes through again! Github has sort of invented this feature called a Pull Request that are the perfect vehical to perform peer reviews.

The PR makes it easy for reviewers to view the exact changes made to the code. It also allows reviewers and the developers to record conversation that rationalized the current state of code, and changes that were requested by reviewers and how the developer responds.

Sometimes interesting fodder, but now it is time …

To make a commitment!