The ESP32

What a cool, inexpensive and powerful alternative to the Arduino, with Wifi, BT, etc all built in makes it an attractive alternative to the Arduino, however with much powerful comes much challenge! Let us tame this beast and enjoy a long relationship of mutual respect.

You need to push the RESET button to get them to write flash.

A power packed chip that I have just started playing with. Give some quick specs here: and compare with other well known options (arduino’s, stm32 or Raspberry Pi.

Standout Features

  • Builtin Wifi & BT and others
  • Dual Core
  • Powerful esp-idf
  • FreeRTOS (Arduino optional)
  • Great Feature Set!


Interactive Console over UART

This demonstrates using the serial port for an interactive console while ESP is running other things. During this console session we can do a number of things including:

  • List resources: memory and tasks
  • Join a wifi group

Todo: screen capture turning on and off the light